Samick Standard Beginner Strat Copy Reviews 3

I had my mind on playing guitar for a few months so I went to the local music shop to get a starter guitar. Since I didn't know anything about guitar I trusted the salesman. He recomended a Samick strat ripoff. I droped about $150 for the guitar and a Squier 15 watt amp.

This guitar is a GREAT BEGINER GUITAR. It sounds pretty good with a good amp (The squier I got, not being on of them). It remains in tune with its surprisingly good tuners. The neck is nice and the frets are medium jumbo. The pickups give a good sound for a cheap price. The body is lamenated wood and is hard to scratch.

A warning to anyone who already plays the guitar, THIS IN MY OPINION IS A BEGINNER GUITAR! It is not a gigable guitar at all and for mor experianced players the tonal range will be limiting. The intonation on the neck is still off after hours of tweeking.

Good for casual playing. If you pick it up once and a while it will last you for years. It is not durable enough to take to band practice and you might as well forget doing gigs.

This is a good beginer guitar

Larry rated this unit 3 on 2002-12-04.

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